Spring Collection 2017
S ilk & L inen …a perfect weight plaid jacket From Robert Noble, our handsome 9.5 ounce mid- blue 55% silk and 45% linen jacketing has a double windowpane of regal blue and soft salmon. Tailored to a trim natural shoulder silhouette with side vents in sizes 40–48 Regular, and 42–48 Long, with additional sizes upon request. We combine it with our blue twill Italian woven cotton Kelly collar shirt and a solid Mogador silk necktie in a complementary coral hue. Shown with our summer weight English drills. The paisley silk pocket square is a handsome finishing touch. Shown with our English summer drills. Jacket, 567J…$995. Shirt, 281…$205. Tie, W144-A…$145. Pocket square, PS71-B…$85. Plain front drills, HSDP...$205. Forward pleat drills, HSDF...$205.
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