Spring Collection 2017
This classic fabric from Scotland’s Robert Noble mill is a 9.2 ounce weave of 40% wool, 35% silk and 25% linen in a navy blue with sky and delft windowpanes. Tailored to a trim natural shoulder silhouette with a fully canvassed and lined two- button front, and trim 3" bluff edge lapels, with a center vent and double pipe and flap lower pockets, sizes 40–48 Regular, and 42–48 Long, with additional sizes upon request. Shown with our linen and cotton cobalt blue ground shirt with red and white stripes and a jacquard woven English silk necktie. In the pocket, our biking ape motif pure silk square. Shown with light grey tropical wool trousers. Jacket, 852J…$995. Shirt, 453…$245. Tie, W147-C…$145. Pocket square, PS73-A…$85.
Plain front trousers, HTWP-B…$255. Forward pleat trousers, HTWF-B…$255.
C lassic W indowpane …in complementary tones of blue
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