Spring Collection 2017
a. The classic slip-on leather loafer from Alden, shown from top to bottom: 681A-black; 683-burgundy; 685-tan. All colors available in sizes 8–14 in B width, 6.5–14 in C width, 6–14 in D width, and 6–13 in E width. Additionally, the black loafer is available in sizes 9–14 in AA width and 8.5–14 in A width. The Full Strap Slip-On Loafers in calfskin…$535. b. Alden’s classic tassel moccasin in shell cordovan. Features mocc toe stitching, hand tied tassels, and single oak leather outsoles. Available in sizes 8–13 in C width and 6–13 in D and E widths. The Tassel Loafer in burgundy cordovan, 563A…$700. c. This elegant cordovan lower vamp slip on has been a favorite for generations because of its slim line. Available in sizes 8–13 C width, and 6–13 in D or E width. The Full Strap Slip-On Loafer in cordovan, 684…$700.
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