Spring Collection 2017
H enley S tyle …weekend elegance in pure cotton
Our Henley blazer is a striking addition to a gentleman’s wardrobe. The sky blue and cream block stripes are woven in pure cotton by Joshua Ellis, expressly for us. At 9 ounces, it makes up as a wonderful jacket for the season. Tailored to a trim natural shoulder silhouette with a center vent and double pipe and flap lower pockets, sizes 40–48 Regular, and 42–48 Long, with additional sizes upon request. We suggest our light blue Italian woven cotton twill button down collar shirt, and a cornflower blue shantung silk necktie; but another option is the luau printed silk neckwear shown at right for a vibrant summer statement. (Of course, this jacket is also wonderful over a linen cutaway collar shirt, without a necktie.) In the pocket, our surfing giraffe motif silk square in blue. Shown with our tropical wool light grey trousers. Jacket, 431J…$995. Shirt, 158…$205. Solid Tie, DK94-B…$145. Pocket square, PS77-F…$85. Plain front trousers, HTWP-B…$255. Forward pleat trousers, HTWF-B…$255.
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