Spring Collection 2017
A pril S howers …no worries
a. Our lightweight spring raincoat is made exclusively for us in England. Often imitated but never duplicated, the original and classic British tan raincoat by Grenfell of England has been the standard to which other makers have aspired for decades. (See Cary Grant in the classic movie “Charade”.) Now by exclusive arrangement with Grenfell we have brought this coat back to America in this lightweight version, as well as our winter version in a heavier cloth, with a removable “warmer” lining. The 100% cotton coat is single- breasted, with a raglan sleeve, placket front with horn buttons, and a ³ /₈ lining in a cloth developed specially to be light, strong, weather resistant, windproof and highly durable. Some of the traditional details shown here, including the collar button, add character to the overall simplicity of the styling. Even sizes 38–48 and 39, 41. Made in England. Lightweight raincoat from Grenfell, GCS…$895.
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